Our story

Our story

How we have become what we are

BigBuy, a success story

From its beginnings as a B2C ecommerce, BigBuy has evolved year upon yearto become a leading technology company in European ecommerce. And it has done this thanks to its founders' ability to anticipate. They have known how to adapt themselves to this sector's rapid evolution.

During the last few years, the two entrepreneurs behind BigBuy have multiplied earnings and the volume of operations organically and continuously. They have also reinvested every euro earned, ensuring their profitability and always growing with their own resources (bootstrapping).

Today, BigBuy is a unique company offering technology, logistics and operational services for ecommerce. It is an integral partner, able to provide solutions in a changing and complex market.

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Ecommerce was still an emerging sector

At this time, only 23% of the population made purchases through the Internet. The only website that people knew about was the eBay bidding website. The majority of sellers were thousands of small ecommerces without brand recognition.

The two founders, who would later create BigBuy, launch an ecommerce selling original gifts focused on sales to the end consumer (B2C). Towards the end of that same year, they set up shop in a 600m2 warehouse and begin to combine the B2C business with B2B wholesale.


Specialising in dropshipping and flash sales

Marketplaces with hardly any relevance began to arrive in Europe. Groupon began to sell products through flash campaigns and revolutionised the ecommerce market.

BigBuy had not yet been created. In their previous business, the founders began to provide a new service to their B2B clients, where they did the direct shipping to the end customer. With time, they discovered that this model was called dropshipping and that it was already booming in the United States. They were also pioneers in the sale of products on Groupon which, until then, had focussed on offering services.


Launch of BigBuy 1.0: from B2C to B2B

Ecommerce evolved and continued to grow. Ecommerce, like Privalia, PcComponentes, El Corte Inglés, etc. began to gain momentum in Spain.

With the experience of the first business, at the end of this year, the founders decided to change direction and launch the BigBuy project: a wholesale platform of original gifts with an international focus and specialising in wholesale and the dropshipping service.


BigBuy designed a long-term internationalisation strategy

Ecommerce sky-rocketed. Countries like France, the United Kingdom and Germany emerged with a very high percentage of online purchasers.

BigBuy became a pioneer in offering Dropshipping Stores synchronised to BigBuy and online integration solutions for its customers. It opted for a long-term internationalisation strategy, offering its catalogue in 5 European languages. Its turnover reached 7 million euros.


Launch of BigBuy 2.0 with its own development.

In countries where Amazon was available, it gained visibility and positioning in relation to already established ecommerce and, little by little, started to become a leader.

BigBuy migrated its Magento ecommerce platform to one that it developed itself. Technological innovation became company strategy. They began to offer their catalogue in 12 European languages and enjoyed turnover of 9 million euros.


BigBuy moves to a 20,000m2 facility.

By now, Ecommerce was a reality throughout Europe and brands and retailers began to have an online presence. Facebook advertising became a major source of attracting customers for many ecommerces.

BigBuy wins its first two awards: PayPal names the company the "Most Innovative Ecommerce" and the Ecommerce Awards award them for being the "Best B2B Ecommerce". They move to a 20,000m2 facility and offer their catalogue in 24 European languages. They have a turnover of 13 million euros.


BigBuy positioned itself as a dropshipping wholesaler in Europe.

There was a niche in the European market for wholesalers with dropshipping services. There were no multi-catalogue suppliers that were also offering top brands.

BigBuy expanded its catalogue to 15,000 items, with new categories, and launched an API for developers. They integrated BigBuy with the main international agencies (DHL, UPS, TNT…). They won new awards, the "Best Internationalisation Strategy". Turnover reached 19 million euros.


The ecommerce trend evolved towards the marketplaces model

With the consolidation of Amazon, new marketplaces emerged throughout Europe and quickly began to gain a market share in ecommerce.

BigBuy launched the Multi-Channel Integration Platform: an SaaS cloud software that integrates, connects and centralises catalogue, stock and orders with the main European marketplaces and with ecommerce software. They expanded to 30,000 items and reached a turnover of 28 million euros.


Amazon revolutionised the supply chain

Amazon combined being a marketplace and a producer at the same time. It revolutionised the supply chain as it was established, and created the need for brands to sell directly on marketplaces.

BigBuy received the award for "The Best Technology for Marketplaces" in the eAwards. They continued to add marketplaces to their connectors offer. They expanded their catalogue to 60,000 items and achieved a turnover of 39 million euros.


Selling through social networks continued to gain momentum.

Finding a suitable product became key to generating sales through social selling. With its stock in Europe, BigBuy became a safe supplier of winning products for this sales channel.

The BigBuy team grew exponentially to 200 people. It was present large European trade fairs. It continued to integrate new European marketplaces and expand its catalogue to 90,000 items. Turnover reached 46 million euros.


With the pandemic, brands and retailers prioritised their ecommerce strategy.

With the arrival of the pandemic, ecommerce skyrocketed on a global level. Brands and retailers reacted by accelerating their digital transformation and moved towards selling on ecommerce and marketplaces.

Due to the strong investment in innovation and technology of previous years, BigBuy was able to tackle the enormous growth of the ecommerce market. This year, they received the prestigious national CEPYME awards (Confederation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) for the “Sme of the Year”. They expanded their catalogue to 100,000 items and turned over 80 million euros.


BigBuy consolidated itself as the leading European wholesale dropshipper.

After a very complex year, with the original costs of the supply chain skyrocketing, many dropshippers that worked with Chinese suppliers decided to turn to dropshipping suppliers with stock in Europe, such as BigBuy.

BigBuy increased its stock considerably in strategic and high-rotation products in order to satisfy demand. They multiplied the number of marketplace integrations. They expanded their catalogue to 140,000 items and turned over 90 million euros.


Traditional European retailers have become marketplaces

European retailers (such as Leroy Merlin, MediaMarkt, Decathlon, etc. ) have become marketplaces. This, added to the already existing marketplaces and other new ones that keep appearing, generates enormous operational complexity when it comes to managing multi-channel and cross-border sales.

BigBuy helps brands and suppliers with stock to increase their sales through endless online channels throughout Europe. It has consolidated itself as the only company that offers technology, catalogue, fulfilment and operations for selling on ecommerce and marketplaces. It has 300 employees and has expanded its catalogue to 200,000 items.