Atkārtoti lietojama auduma higiēnas maska Bērnu Roboti specifikācijas
- Materiaal: Water-repellent microfiber, an approved filtering fabric
- Bakteriālās filtrācijas efektivitāte (BFE): 95 %
- Liquid and solid aerosol filtration efficiency: 96 %
- Particle filtration efficiency: 92 %
- Viegla elpošana: < 38 Pa/cm2
- Raksturlielumi:
- It is sent bagged and closed with an information leaflet, including the washing process, instructions for safe use and technical information.
- The sizes of the masks as well as the elastic are approved. These are standard measurements and it is recommended that the elastics be adjusted for greater adaptability and efficiency.
- Īpašības: Vairākkārtēja lietošana
- Plovimų: 90
- Iespējams regulēt:
- UNE 0065:2020
- UNE-EN 14683:2019
- UNE-EN 149
- Ieteicams Izmantot: Bērnu
- Iespiests: Roboti
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