Specifications of Desktop PC Dell DELL5070i5-950016G512SSDSFFW11p (Refurbished A)
- Type: Desktop PC
- Product with plug: Yes
- A+/ Perfect: products in perfect condition whose original packaging may have been opened or substituted by other packaging that is in very good condition.
- A/ As New: products that are in perfect, as new, condition, their original packaging may have been opened, have some damage or may have been substituted by other packaging.
- B/ Very Good: products that are in very good condition, with possible slight aesthetic imperfections, they function perfectly and their original packaging may have been opened or have some damage.
- C/ Good Condition: products are in good condition, with possible aesthetic imperfections but working perfectly, their original packaging may have been opened or have some damage.
- D/ Correct: Products in correct condition, with possible aesthetic imperfections or lacking an accessory, in perfect working condition and their original packaging may have been opened or have some damage.
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