At BigBuy, you have up to 5 calendar days from receipt of the goods to open an incident report and request a refund. Our deadline is much longer than the usual one – 24/48h – to ensure that our dropshippers have enough time to obtain and provide all the documentation required. After this time, we will no longer be able to claim on the transport insurance and our system will not allow the incident report to be opened.
To open the incident report you should go to the Contact area from your account, then select the Logistics and After-sales department and one of the two query fields:
Order not received: for queries regarding orders that haven’t been received or where not all the packages sent have been received (partial receipt).
Order received: to report incidents after receiving all the packages belonging to your order. In this case, you should provide all the required documents exactly as they are requested. Sending incorrect, inaccurate documents, or the absence of these, will invalidate the possibility of any claim and will lead to the incident report being cancelled.
As a seller, you will need to carry out all the prior checks with your customer and collect all the information required in order to complete the incident report correctly. You will find all the information requested in the packing list, which is attached to all our deliveries, whether they are B2B or dropshipping. This contains your order, the items ordered, the signature or number of the operators that prepared the order (control check 1 and 2).
You will need to complete the “Comments” field with a clear explanation and as much detail as possible. You must also add, in the file attachments, all the requested images of the item in question.
Once your query is open, our after-sales team will carry out a thorough review of the case to inform you whether the return will go ahead. If this is the case, we will deal with the refund as quickly as possible.
Where and when will I receive my refund?
We will pay the refund using the same payment method that was used in the order, as soon as the after-sales team deals with the incident and validates it. If you have paid using the balance from your wallet or bank transfer, you will receive it in your wallet. If you placed the order via Paycomet, PayPal or credit card, the refund will go directly into these accounts.