To synchronise your eBay account with the Multi-Channel Integration Platform, the first step is to create a professional account on eBay. If you already have, or had, an eBay account, don’t create a new one. Try to recover it if it hasn’t been shut down. Duplicate accounts is one of the most common reasons that eBay blocks accounts.
Information for European accounts:
As well as the eBay account, it is highly recommended that you have an eBay sellers store. To sign up, go to the Account/subscriptions section and sign up for a minimum of the advanced store, although signing up for a Premium Store is recommended.
If you sell on eBay without an eBay store, you have to pay a fee for each listing you publish. That’s why, if you publish our entire catalogue, the cost could be very high. This cost must be paid even if no sales are made.
At BigBuy, we recommend you have a Premium eBay store, so you will be able to publish unlimited listings without publication costs, which will allow you to publish our entire catalogue without the risk of extra charges. You will pay a fixed monthly cost and a commission for the sale of each order (which will depend on the listing category).
In the event that you have any type of store that isn’t the Premium Store, you will be responsible for controlling the maximum number of listings published so that you don’t incur unwanted costs.
Now, let’s look at the configuration:
When you create a new sales channel on eBay from the Multi-channel Integration Platform (by clicking on “+”) you access the first step in the Configuration of the sales channel.
To log into your eBay account, enter your User name, your PayPal email, and click on Login. Then you will be able to synchronise the Multi-Channel Integration Platform.
When you press the Login button, the following eBay window will appear, from which you can begin the session.
In this window, enter your eBay username/email and your password. If the information is correct, a new eBay authorisation window will appear.
In this step you should authorise the Multi-Channel Integration Platform to be able to use the API calls of your eBay account and to synchronise the BigBuy catalogue with your eBay account.
Once the terms have been accepted, you will be redirected to the new MIP where you will be able to continue the publishing process of the sales channel on eBay.
The next step will be to select the products you want to publish on eBay. To do this, go to the following post:
Also, don’t forget that products with 0 stock do not synchronise on eBay. However, if a product has 0 stock at the time of publishing, but in the following hours the product comes back into stock, this will automatically synchronise with the sales channel that was added. Personalise units for sale by product By default, eBay imposes a restriction on the maximum sales amounts for new accounts. For this reason, one unit of each product is placed for sale in order to list the maximum number of products and have more chances of selling. On the Multi-Channel Integration Platform, a feature has been developed from which you can list more units per item. Go to the Multi-Channel Integration Platform and, in the Select products step, activate the function Personalisation of units for sale per product. If you wish to list more units per item, define the maximum stock to be listed per item according to the price range. If you want to find out the offers limit (by item or amount) of your eBay account, you can do so from the main seller panel, as shown in the picture below in Monthly limits To increase these limits, you will need to contact eBay and request an increase, approval will depend on your seller level (according to performance, orders, etc). After this subsection, click Continue. You will then see the shipping configuration. In the first block, activate or deactivate the shipping methods you want to use for shipping on eBay. Keep in mind the description of each method and choose the one/ones that you consider best for your business. In the “Mode” section, you should select the pricing strategy you wish to apply to each area: For low or medium price, you can choose an amount by increments. In the second block, select the carriers you want to use. They all appear activated by deafult, and we recommend you leave it like that. If you don’t want to work with one of these carriers, you can deactivate them, but bear in mind that you could leave an area without a shipping service. If this happens and you receive an order to this area, the order will remain pending review and you would need to enter, select an available courier for the area and press Resend order. When the configuration is complete, click “Continue”. The next step in the configuration process is the pricing strategy. In this article we explain the process of configuring price rules in detail. When configuring the pricing rules, there is a specific “Emarketplace Commissions” section in eBay. If you want to include eBay commissions in the price of the item, select the box and you will see a field where you can enter the percentage you want to apply, When the configuration is complete, click Continue. You have now reached the last step of Configuration.
Publish a few hundred products each day, until you reach the total number of items you wish to sell.