Catalog Optimization: Maximize Your Earnings on Shopify

Catalog Optimization: Maximize Your Earnings on Shopify - BigBuy Academy | Documentación y ayuda técnica gratuita para clientes de BigBuy
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Catalog Optimization: Maximize Your Earnings on Shopify

In your Shopify online store, you have a limited number of products you can publish, so it’s crucial to carefully select the best products to sell them. If you haven’t done so yet, we’re here to guide you on how to easily remove non-performing products from your store.

By deleting unattractive products, you will have more space and access to our catalog updates with new products and brands. This will allow you to offer a better shopping experience to your customers and increase your sales.

Step 1: Identify Non-Selling Products

  1. Log in to your Shopify store.
  2. Go to “Analytics” > “Reports” (located in the left-hand menu).
  3. Click on “Sales by product.”
  4. Choose the period you want to review (e.g., the last 3 months).
  5. Be sure that you have selected the column “Variant SKU”
  6. Use the filter to search for products with a “Quantity” of 0 (zero sales). These are the non-sellers!
  7. Click “Export” and save the file to your computer. This file is important, so be sure to keep it safe!

Step 2: Prepare the File for BigBuy

  1. Open the file you downloaded (it’s a CSV file). You can use programs like Excel or Google Sheets.
  2. Clean up the file, keeping only the product lines that haven’t had sales or have had corrections by consulting the “net_quantity” column.
  3. Find the column labeled “variant_sku.” SKUs are like the ID numbers for each product.
  4. Delete all other columns and rows, keeping only the “variant_sku” column for the products that haven’t had sales.
  5. Save the file again as a CSV.

Step 3: Remove These Products from Your Store

  1. Log in to your BigBuy account and go to Control Panel > Multichannel Integration Platform.
  2. Access your sales channel and, under “Catalog Management,” look for the option “Exclude products” > “Exclude products by SKU.”
  3. Click on “Exclude by CSV” and select the file you prepared in Step 2.
  4. Go to the final step and publish this exclusion.

BigBuy will take care of removing these products from your store, giving you the opportunity to add new, more in-demand products!